

The latest IT news is that there will be a new Wi-Fi speed called WiGig. What is a big deal with this WiGig? Well, the big deal is it will change Wi-Fi as we know it. The Wi-Fi Alliance has finally released a Certificate for WiGig at last after many years they gave permission to allow devices to operate at this speed of Wireless. WiGig goes at the speed 8Gbps that’s 8 Gigabits per second. The current Wi-Fi 802.AC works at the speed of 6,333Mbps which is almost 7Gps.

First announced back in 2009 WiGig has had two technological issues to conquer that resulted in years of development. One is that the developers need compatibility of the technological devices at WiGig speeds straight out of the box. Which until recently has been the biggest challenge, Virtual Reality has changed this; it eliminates the need for the traditional corded display to a PC. VR needs a wireless speed that can handle the sort of augmented reality that it displays which opens the door for the usage of WiGig, finally!

WiGig, unlike Wi-Fi, is utilized in a shorter distance with higher quicker speeds although the physical distance is shorter there are still plenty of advantages over Wi-Fi. Besides the obvious that WiGig can handle more devices without slowing the speed of the wireless. WiGig can do Wi-Fi docking which is, for example, the ability to print from a laptop to a wireless printer faster than current Wi-Fi connection. It can handle high-end gaming, wireless docking and multimedia devices without the speed loss of current Wi-Fi.

I would say this is indeed good news since our culture and the modern world depends on Wireless Connectivity on a daily basis. I look forward to how WiGig will be incorporated into our devices and gradually into our everyday lives into the future.

Wireless is changing the way we do business



In the article posted above on Monday, Aug. 31, 2015 Cisco and Apple announced that they are entering a mobile enterprise partnership.  What this means is that both companies are coming to the realization that mobiles devices such as the IPad and the IPhone are essential to everyday business.  Now I know what you’re thinking we have known that for a long time now.  However, the big news is on the Cisco end of business.

With the release of the IOS 10 for IPads and iPhones there will be several new features that I believe will help improve the quality of these devices over the network.  One of the new features is that when an iPhone leaves a wireless area it will quickly find the top Cisco wireless network.  Therefore, the user does not have to go through dozens of networks to find a strong connection.

Another big feature and, my personal favourite is the priority for business apps.  Business’ that use Cisco networks will have a function that will allow the business apps priority over another.  One example is videoconferencing; network congestion will affect the quality of the video causing it to decline.  The feature allows a business videoconferencing app to take top priority over all other apps so that the quality will not decline.

These upgraded features have a wide possibility of improving wireless devices for businesses.  The only down side or negative effect that I can identify is that the features are only available with Cisco and Apple products.  Even then, it is only available if you use Apples IOS 10 operating system and Cisco wireless LANs that support AireOS WLC 8.3.  Previous versions for the time being will not have these features until the end of October 2016.  I would like to see these features universally applied, not just Apple and Cisco products, and become the standard for all wireless devices.  One day I will probably see that, but until then I will just have to wait and envy Apple users.